Over 750 fountain pen and ink reviews! Almost 100 brands!
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Below are the latest reviews!
BlueBlack x Diamine - Namsan Cherry Blossoms
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine남산벚꽃 (Namsan Cherry Blossoms) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Ice Americano
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 아이스 아메리카노 (Ice Americano) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Night View of Seoul
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 서울밤의야경 (Night View of Seoul) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Blue House
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Afternoon in Seoul
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 서울오후 (Afternoon in Seoul) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Burning Friday
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 불타는금요일 (Burning Friday) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Chicken and Beer
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 치맥 (Chicken and Beer) fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - 63 Building
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine 63 Building fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Han River Park
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine Han River Park fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.
BlueBlack x Diamine - Subway
Ink Review: BlueBlack x Diamine Subway fountain pen ink from the Seoul City ink set.