Robert Oster - Ink Bottle
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PenBBS as a pen and ink company the results of what a group of people with real passion for pens and inks can accomplish. The company was created by the members of the Beijing pen forum and community, known as PenBBS. Today, they make some of the nicest shimmer inks on the market.

Click on the inks to read the full reviews!

Monsoon Sky

Morning Mist

Motor Oil

Muddy Bucket

Muddy Crown

Muddy Dragon

Muddy Sand

Muddy Swamp

No Fixed Address

Opal Green


Red Gold

Rose Gold Antiqua

Saguaro Green

Sedona Red

Silver Fire & Ice

Silent Nite

Sydney Darling Harbour



Velvet Crush

Whisper Red

Muddy Wine

Muddy Water