Robert Oster - Velvet Crush
Robert Oster - Velvet Crush - Ink drop
I honestly don’t know how I overlooked this ink for so long. I think it’s easy to get lost in the huge selection of Robert Oster inks, and sometimes really nice ones can get left behind. Today’s ink is Velvet Crush. I love the name, and I love the ink!
Robert Oster - Velvet Crush - Range and Sheen
This is a really beautiful, grape soda purple. Wet, it’s a true purple with a strong red influence, but as it dries, it becomes a rich, deep violet, and the red aspects fade. It’s a strong shading ink, especially on coated premiums. Shading shows off lovely translucent lights, delicious midtones, and juicy darks. There’s also a mild to moderate stroke halo on premiums, and this adds dimension and depth. The splatter reveals a beautiful, luscious, tarnished-brass sheen, but none appeared in writing on my test papers.
Robert Oster - Velvet Crush - Light and Dark
It’s slightly dry in writing, and I’d recommend using it in wetter pens to compensate. Strokes were clean and sharp on all six test papers, but I preferred results on coated premiums, as they produced the most varied shading. Drying was nice at 10-15 seconds on premiums, and under 5 seconds on office copy.
Robert Oster - Velvet Crush - Ink Swatch Card
This is a really nice ink, and seeing it on the page makes me smile. The strong shading really makes it pop. In a crowded field of decent options, Velvet Crush somehow stands apart from the competition. It isn’t the standard purple, and it doesn’t feel like a wine, either. I think they got this one just right, and I really think you’ll like it!