BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink

BlueBlack x Diamine - Yellow Cab - Ink Drop

Few things are as ubiquitous in N.Y.C. as yellow cabs. BlueBlack’s ten-ink New York City set wouldn’t be complete without it! The three sets in the City series feature Diamine inks themed around a great world city’s landmarks and cultural icons. With additional sets for London and Seoul, there are three sets in the series, so far.

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink on Cosmo Air Light Paper

Yellow Cab on Cosmo Air Light

Sunny and bright aren’t the first things that come to mind when I think of New York’s yellow cabs, but they’re definitely bold! Diamine Yellow Cab is all three. It’s more orange juice than canary yellow, with strong hints of orange in heavily saturated areas. The result is a very attractive, very effective writing ink.

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink on Tomoe River Paper

Yellow Cab on Tomoe River Paper

Shading is generally gradual towards stroke ends, but it’s very consistent on both coated and uncoated papers. There’s a lot of movement from light to dark. Coated papers produce a darkened edge, so this ink is crisp and sharp, making it a very readable yellow. It’s never blinding, either. Delicious!

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink writing on Cosmo Air Snow paper

Writing Sample on Cosmo Air Snow

In writing, Yellow Cab is wet and extremely comfortable on the page. This is a very nice Diamine ink. Feather, spread, and showthrough were never a worry on any of the seven papers used for testing. Drying was always better than average, too!

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink writing samples

Yellow Cab - Writing Samples

I really like Yellow Cab, and I haven’t been disappointed with any of the inks in BlueBlack’s New York City set, so far. (If you like this ink, but want it with gold shimmer, check out my review of Diamine 63 Building in BlueBlack’s Seoul set from the same series. It’s an extremely close match with added bling!)

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink swatch card

Yellow Cab - Ink Swatch Card

Special thanks to BlueBlack for surprising me with this amazing set! Their store in Seoul is a must see for pen and ink lovers, and if you have a chance to stop by, definitely do!

Keep scrolling down for ink swatch comparisons, the 30 ml bottle, and a view of the complete set!

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink swatch comparisons

Yellow Cab - Swatch Card Comparisons

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab fountain pen ink 30 ml bottle

BlueBlack x Diamine Yellow Cab - Ink Bottle

BlueBlack x Diamine New York City fountain pen ink set

BlueBlack x Diamine - New York City Set


BlueBlack x Diamine - Cheese Burger


BlueBlack x Diamine - Statue of Liberty