Vinta - Dugong Bughaw
Vinta Inks - Dugong Bughaw - Ink Splatter
This is Dugong Bughaw from Vinta Inks. Meaning “Blue Blood” in Tagalog, this ink belongs among the royalty of super sheening inks.
Vinta Inks - Dugong Bughaw - Ink Sheen
A gorgeous medium blue underneath, Dugong Bughaw explodes in a thick, luxurious, pink-red sheen the moment it hits the paper. It's truly beautiful.
Vinta Inks - Dugong Bughaw - Ink Swatch Card
In writing, it performs well for a high sheen ink. On some papers, the sheen really dominates, but on others it’s more restrained and accents strokes nicely. I didn’t have any problems with feather, but as expected, show-through can be strong. Drying time wasn’t a problem, but you need to be careful of smear when the sheen is heavy.
Vinta Inks - Dugong Bughaw - A Super Sheener!
Vinta Inks continues to impress me. They’ve been producing some of the most interesting inks of the last couple of years. I can’t wait to see what’s next!