Private Reserve - Infinity Dark Pink

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink Fountain Pen Ink Splash

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink - Ink drop

Private Reserve’s Infinity Dark Pink is an interesting and attractive ink. To call it a dark pink doesn’t really capture its magic. It’s very much a mountain grape magenta. As the comparison image shows, it’s quite similar to the very popular Iroshizuku Yama-budo (an ink that I’ve always really liked), but with slightly less red undertone.

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink color variation

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink color

In swatches and saturated strokes on coated papers, it’s a bit darker compared to what you find in normal writing on uncoated papers. On some it has a delicious glow that my favorite purples all seem to share. On cheap office copy paper it glows nicely, and in the best way, it really reminds me of grape soda!

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink swatches

Ink Swatches on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River

Private Reserve’s Extended Cap-Off (ECO) formula let’s you keep the cap off for the pauses that naturally come in longer writing sessions. Like with the other inks in the Infinity series, it seems to work very well here. (I tried pauses of five and ten minutes without problem, but longer than that just feels like something I shouldn’t ask an ink to cure!)

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink - Writing Sample

Writing sample on Cosmo Air Snow paper

Writing performance is notably good, and it’s a very comfortable ink in flow. I noticed the occasional spot of micro-feathering on individual strokes on a page of writing, but on all papers tested (including office copy) it wasn’t a frequent thing, and I wouldn’t call it a problem at all. I used a juicy medium for testing. Show through was moderate on office copy, but minimal on premium papers. Drying times were nice, too!

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink writing samples

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink ink writing samples

I think Private Reserve’s Infinity Dark Pink is very attractive. From a marketing perspective, I have mixed feelings about the name, but I hope purple ink lovers will give it a look. I think many will really like what they see!

Special thanks to @privatereserveink.offical and @yafabrands_official for sending this and several other inks to try.

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink swatch card

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink - Swatch Card

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink swatch card comparisons

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink - Comparisons

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink fountain pen ink 30 ml bottle and box

Private Reserve Infinity Dark Pink - 30 ml Ink Bottle and Box


Private Reserve - Infinity Pine Green


Monami - Red