BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink review

BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown - Ink drop

Heathrow Brown is the final ink in BlueBlack’s City of London set. It’s also the darkest of the set’s ten inks. If you like a dark brown ink, you’ll find a lot to like here!

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown Fountain Pen Ink Color Range

BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown - Color Range

Heathrow Brown is the rich color of a very dark chocolate. It reminds me of the deep brown of roasted coffee beans, or the dried grounds leftover from a morning’s brew.

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River papers

Ink Swatches on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River

Like many of the inks in the set, this isn’t a dramatic shader, but there is some on stroke ends on some coated papers. In these areas, we see almost a motor oil greyish brown with a tiny hint of yellow. They contrast beautifully against the dark base.

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink writing sample on Cosmo Air Snow

Shading and Stroke Edge on Cosmo Air Snow!

Writing performance is excellent. Diamine did a great job creating these inks. Flow was wet and very comfortable. It’s an effortless writing ink. I didn’t find any hint of feathering on any of the papers tested. Even on cheap office copy paper, strokes were crisp with no spreading. Ghosting is remarkably slight for such a rich, dark ink, too. Drying was always faster than average, and the chromatography shows good water resistance. This is a great choice for daily use.

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink writing samples

BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown - Writing Samples

Heathrow Brown is a very good ink, and the entire City of London set is a strong recommendation. BlueBlack’s City series sets are beautiful. If you like this one, you’ll enjoy the New York City and Seoul sets, as well. You can find them at the store in Seoul, or order online through their Korean or English websites.

Special thanks to BlueBlack for surprising me with the gift of this set. It doesn’t influence my review in any way, but it is appreciated!

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink swatch card

BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown - Swatch Card

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink swatch card comparisons

BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown - Comparisons

BlueBlack x Diamine Heathrow Brown fountain pen ink 30 ml bottle

BlueBlack x Diamine - Heathrow Brown - 30 ml bottle

BlueBlack x Diamine City of London fountain pen ink set

BlueBlack x Diamine City of London fountain pen ink set


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