Tono & Lims - BC Bechorium
Tono & Lims - BC Bechorium - LED Lighting
Wow! The magicians at Tono & Lims have done it again! The images I’ve posted really show their innovative approach to color. Today’s ink, Bc-Bechorium, is a summer 2020 release and part of the Friendship series.
Describing an ink’s color is usually the least controversial part of a review, but today is a little different. The pictures I’ve included have not been altered for color, the only difference is the light source. Is it a brown ink? Is it a green? A brown-green? A green-brown? Strangely, the answer can only be, “Yes?”
Tono & Lims - BC Bechorium - Incandescent Lighting
Bc-Bechorium is a true, color-changing ink. The ink takes advantage of differences in the visible spectral wavelength distribution of different light sources, making Bc-Bechorium both a brown and a green. You see it as a caramel brown under incandescent halogen light sources, such as the ceiling light in my home office. Under LED lighting (such as my desk lamp), and natural sunlight, the ink appears as a vivid, bright, and pure olive green, with none of the rich caramel coloration that was previously dominant. It’s a fascinating effect! In an instant all traces of brown disappear when I click on the light. Click brown ... click green ... brown ... green.
Tono & Lims - BC Bechorium - LED Lighting
As with most Tono & Lims inks, this is a smooth-flowing, wet, writing ink. It performed well on Rhodia, Mnemosyne, Apica, and Kokuyo papers, but feathered slightly on cheap office copy paper. It produces clean, crisp well-defined strokes, otherwise, with a nice dark haloed edge that makes written words pop.
Tono & Lims - BC Bechorium - Incandescent Lighting
I wish Tono & Lims inks were more widely available in Europe and N. America. They regularly release 30-40 new inks, constantly expanding their large catalogue. I strongly recommend this innovative company, and Bc-Bechorium is a really interesting place to start. Find a retailer, grab a bottle, and enjoy!